A downloadable game

The revolution has begun.  The people cry out for justice and, as night falls on the capital city, they have swarmed its streets in righteous fury, pitchforks aloft and torches blazing.  The guard have locked things down as best they can, but you, you lucky few, have made it over the wall; managed to slip into the castle thus far unnoticed.  Tonight, the old order falls.  You will be the regicides who bring it crashing down.

A TTRPG designed to indulge in the fantasy of bringing corrupt leaders to the justice they so richly deserve by our own damned hands, LET'S KILL THE KING offers 2-4 players and 1 game master a raucous couple hours of manic, king-hunting glory.  Absolutely no preparation of any kind is needed from either GMs or PCs: encounters are generated via table and the basics of who a character is can be rolled on the spot.  

One bit of advice from the designer, though (me!  Hello, friend!): when running/playing LKTK, lean into the rabidity of it all.  Amp thy adrenaline, lose thyself to the thrill of the hunt, and carry out the people's justice as we so wish we could.  Go fuckin' feral, baby <3.

LKTK was made as part of the June 2024 Queer Wrath Game Jam; many thanks to Lex Kim Bobrow for organizing the event.  This is the first game the designer, Obli-Awa, has ever published: comments and good-faith critique are welcomed.


LKTK.pdf 4 MB
LKTK Plaintext.pdf 2.6 MB

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